Name of Product: Recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs)
Hazard: The throttle pedal can be pushed past the throttle stop and not return to the idle position, posing a crash hazard.
Remedy: Repair
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled ROVs and contact a CFMOTO dealer to schedule a free repair. CFMOTO is contacting all registered owners directly.
Consumer Contact: CFMOTO toll-free at 888-823-6686 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday, email at info@cfmotousa.com or online at www.cfmotousa.com and go to Customer Care, then Vehicle Recall for more information.
Units: About 1,800
Description: This recall involves 2018 ZFORCE 500 Trail, 2018 ZFORCE 800 Trail and 2018 ZFORCE 1000 SSV CFMOTO recreational off-highway vehicles with 500cc to 1000cc, 4-cycle engines. The recalled ZFORCE vehicles have “CFMOTO” stamped on the front grille, a “CFMOTO” decal on the bottom of the cab frame and a “ZFORCE” decal located on each side of rear box compartment. CFMOTO ZFORCE vehicles were sold in orange, blue, red and gray. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is located on the right-side frame rail just forward of the right rear tire.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported
Sold at: CFMOTO dealers nationwide from December 2017 through July 2018 for between $9,000 and $14,000.
Importer: CFMOTO Powersports Inc., of Plymouth, Minn.
Distributor: CFMOTO Powersports Inc., of Plymouth, Minn.
Manufacturer: Zhejiang CFMOTO Power Co. Ltd, of China
Manufactured in: China
This recall was conducted voluntarily by the company under CPSC’s Fast Track Recall process. Fast Track recalls are initiated by firms who commit to work with CPSC to quickly announce the recall and remedy to protect consumers.
About U.S. CPSC:
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products has contributed to a decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 40 years.
Federal law bars any person from selling products subject to a publicly announced voluntary recall by a manufacturer or a mandatory recall ordered by the Commission.
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